
6:15 Worship on Wednesday (WOW)

All are welcome!

A mix of traditional and contemporary music and liturgy, with a video and lesson on different topics of faith. We worship together in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. Coffee and hot chocolate are available.

7:00-8:00 Snack and Break-Outs:

  • Confirmation on Wednesday (COW) small groups (grades 7-8)

  • Wednesday Adult Study (WAS) (all grown-ups welcome)


(September 13, 2023-May 8, 2024)

Check our calendar for up-to-date announcements and exact start and end dates. During the season of Lent, Soup Suppers will be available 5:30 and worship is at 7:00 pm with no other activities. If Zumbrota-Mazeppa schools are cancelled due to weather, all worship and programming are also cancelled.

Lenten Worship

(February 18th-March 17th, 2024)

5:30 Soup Supper served (free will offering)
9:00 am and 7:00 pm Worship (including Holden Evening Prayer)