Financial Giving:
Breeze Online Giving button below is an opportunity to give to Lands Lutheran Church using the secure Breeze church management software. Breeze allows you to be in control of your giving without filling out enrollment forms with Lands office. You can gift to different funds, one time or reoccurring, and you can use a credit/debit card or by ACH Bank Transfer.
There is also a QR code found in your bulletins and on our Facebook page, too, for the Breeze (secure site) online giving.
Simply Giving through Vanco:
We participate in Simply Giving through Vanco. An easy automated giving program designed to help you conveniently and consistently contribute to Lands Lutheran Church. Through Simply Giving your gifts are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency of your automatic gift—weekly, semi-monthly or monthly—the option is yours. Your gift is deposited into the Lands bank account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account at no cost to you. The buttons below take you to forms you can fill out and return to the office at Lands Lutheran Church.
Time & Talent (called “tags” in breeze)
Time + Talent Survey:
Let us know how you are willing and able to support the life of our congregation! From your breeze login, these are called “tags”.
Ministry Teams:
We have many teams that each serve the Lands family in unique ways. Learn more about them here, and contact them if you might be interested in learning more about what they do or contributing your own gifts.