
Congregational Life:

This team oversees many moving parts of our congregation, including (but not limited to) special events and Sunday morning fellowship hour.

Contact Stacey Suess for more info.


Education Team:

This team makes many of our educational offerings happen. The team generally works on children's programming, such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Christmas programs. However, confirmation and adult learning opportunities are included.

Contact Katie Holst for more info.


Evangelism Team:

 Empower members to be inviting: invite, encourage and empower people in hospitality especially for greeters/welcome hosts, ushers and other positions where they will regularly come into contact with members and guests.

Contact Jan Befort or Jackie Schimek for more info.



This team manages all things related to our land and buildings (including the park, parsonage, and church building). From landscaping to light bulbs, this team keeps things running smoothly.

Contact Scott Jensen or Dan Nietz for more info.



Stewardship is all about helping us manage our resources well. From March Foodshare month to our partner congregation in Tanzania, Time and Talent surveys and the Simply Giving program, they make sure we are being the best stewards of our time and money.

Contact Carol Copley for more info.



This team coordinates all things worship related and keeps Pastor David in line!  They line up communion servers and lectors (readers), and handle many of the details you will notice in our sanctuary and during the worship service.

Contact Tomine Earles for more info.


Youth Team:

The youth team's mission is to provide a safe and caring environment where the 7th-12th grade youth can come together in fellowship and service and grow in Christ. The team also helps organize the fund raising to support camp and mission trip opportunities.

Contact Casey Veiseth for more info.